Clear Soul "Copper Skin"(2003)

Grant Nicholas"Cherry Lane" (2004)

Jackie Ball "Do You Know Jesus?" (2007)

Malina Moye "Diamonds and Guitars" (2009)

Miller Micheal "Pits-Handy" (2011)

Fake Flowers Real Dirt (self titled)(2013)

Frederic Yonnet "Reed My Lips" (2013)

Malina Moye "Rock N' Roll Baby" (2014)

Cori Jacobs "Freckles" (2015)

Kevin Jackson "The Mirrored Truth" (2015)

Ashley Jackson "My Everything" (2016)

Owen Adams "Manifesto" (2018)

Butch and Rhonda Coleman "Moment of Your Time" (2019)

Chester Burke Jr and Company "Great Is the Lord" (2019)

Garrett Shider "Regurgitated Youth" (2019)